In compliance with the Organic Law on Data Protection, as well as the General Data Protection Regulation, we inform you that the personal data you provide will be treated confidentially and will become part of a file owned by Traveling Morocco, SL.

Such data will be collected through a series of forms scattered around the web and it will be necessary that you expressly accept the privacy policy for your data to be treated.

The data collected will be only the name, email address, IP and the date on which you entered your data. These will remain from the moment you make the request and / or subscription until you request the cancellation of the service by telematic communication.


Your personal data may be processed for sending future commercial communications that may be of interest to you. Therefore, as long as you provide your data by filling out forms or similar and expressly agree that your data will become part of this automated file, they will be used for the purposes described above. Such data will remain under our responsibility, never being transferred to third parties and treated confidentially and exclusively.

Additionally, if you express your intention to make a reservation you will be asked for the data strictly necessary to formalize it. In addition, when requesting the collaboration of suppliers (transfers, accommodation…), it will be necessary to provide them with such information as name, contact telephone number, flight identifier and arrival time.

The data mentioned in the last paragraph will only be used to formalize the reservation, and will never be part of an automated file or used for future commercial purposes by us or by our suppliers. These will be kept as long as they are necessary to fulfill the purpose for which they were collected, so that once the service will be canceled. Such cancellation will result in the blocking of the data remaining only as long as there are inherent legal obligations.


On the other hand, you guarantee that the personal data provided are truthful and you are responsible for communicating any changes in them; you will be solely responsible for any loss or damage, direct or indirect, that you could cause yourself, Traveling Morocco, S.L. or any third party, due to the provision of false, inaccurate, incomplete or outdated data. In the event that you include personal data of third parties you must previously inform them of the provisions of this privacy policy, being solely responsible for their inclusion.

Likewise, we assume compliance with the security levels of data protection in accordance with Royal Decree 1720/2007, of December 21, declaring that all possible technical means have been established to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of automated files containing personal data. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you should be aware that no security measure on the Internet guarantees that there may be leaks due to fraudulent acts by third parties. In any case, if such a leak were to occur, all affected parties would be immediately notified.

You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, as well as the limitation and portability of your data in accordance with the provisions of the aforementioned laws, by sending a letter together with a photocopy of your ID card, to the following e-mail address:

Finally, if you do not want to receive commercial digital correspondence and you want us to remove your data from our file, you only need to send an e-mail to with the reason “unsubscribe”, from the e-mail address from which you wish to stop receiving notifications.

Other data collected

This website uses third party services that have their own privacy policy for two purposes. On the one hand, collect anonymous data from the user experience on the web (how long you stay, what pages you visit, in what form or channel accessed, etc.) using the Google Analytics tool.

On the other hand, to offer social actions in the form of a button (for example, Facebook “Like”). If you are a member of a social network and click on such an action, the social network provider may link your profile data with information about your visit on our website.

Cookie Policy

This website uses cookies. A cookie is a small encrypted file that is stored in your browser, which allows you to retrieve information that has been previously entered. These allow us to remember each part of your booking as you progress through the website, recognize your customer details and display the appropriate content based on your selected options and journey. It also helps to understand your behavior within our website, which means we can improve your experience through the website.

The purpose of cookies is therefore to improve your experience on our site and make it easier for you to follow the service. However, if you do not wish to provide such cookies you can always disable or limit this option in your browser settings. The steps to do this are different for each browser, so taking into account the range of browsers available and the multiple versions of each one, it is technically very complex to guide you from this website, so we recommend you follow the instructions in the help menu of your browser.